IBM » Thinkpad » 20F6006XGE » Keyboard (Backlit)

IBM Thinkpad 20F6006XGE Keyboard (Backlit) Replacement

Price: $82.88

Sale Price: $ 58.88

Quantity :

Condition: New

Qty in Stock: 100+

Item Code: KBL227

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More information on

IBM Thinkpad 20F6006XGE Keyboard (Backlit)

At, we provide replacement Keyboard (Backlit) to replace your IBM Thinkpad 20F6006XGE Keyboard (Backlit).

If you are not sure about the part number or want to know more about the IBM Thinkpad 20F6006XGE laptop Keyboard (Backlit), then email us at [email protected] with your query/concern.

Our customer service department is prompt in replying to you the same day or the next working day.

Assembling your IBM Thinkpad 20F6006XGE laptop Keyboard (Backlit) is also simple and straight forward. Follow our step-by-step guide which will help you go through the installation process with ease.

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